Request Contract Labor Resources

Access: Users assigned the Staffing Dashboard - Action Capable role.

Through an integration with the Workforce application, users assigned the Contract Labor – Request permission can now request, review, schedule, and/or cancel contract labor personnel to fill open needs from within the Facility Scheduler application. Requests for contract labor personnel are initiated in the Staffing Dashboard. Requests are then tracked and managed in the Facility Scheduler application (Requests > Contract Labor).

Once the Workforce team identifies and submits a qualified candidate, users with the assigned permission can confirm the receipt of the candidate information, create an employee profile (if needed), schedule the candidate, or cancel the request from the Contract Labor Requests screen.

Initiate a Contract Labor Request

Contract labor requests are initiated in the Staffing Dashboard on the Resource Assignments screen. Established guidelines for personnel request lead times and assignment cancellations should be followed.

To initiate a request:

  1. Navigate to the Staffing Dashboard (Dashboards > Staffing Dashboard)
  2. Click Filters and enter criteria to display the desired departments, schedule summaries, and dates.
  3. Click Apply Filters.
  4. In the dashboard view, click a red cell that is understaffed for a specific skill.
  5. On the Resource Assignments screen click the Contract Labor tab. This tab is only visible to users assigned the Contract Labor – Request permission.

Resource Assignments > Contract Labor Tab

Resource Assignments > Contract Labor Tab


  1. Complete the fields to request contract labor to fill the need.
    1. Date – Pre-filled based on the cell selected above, but can be edited if needed. The date must be a future date.
    2. Shift – Select a shift code. Shift codes within the selected summary period are listed.
    3. Skill – Select a skill.
    4. Skill & Specialization – Select from the list provided by Workforce. The listed options vary by department and the skill deficit being filled. An alert wild display if there is no Skill & Specialization options entered for the selected department.
    5. Note – Optional free text field that allows you to enter extra information such as a preferred person by name or required competency.
  2. Click +New to add additional personnel requests.
  3. Click Copy to create a duplicate request.
  4. Click Remove to delete a request.
  5. Click Request to submit your contract labor requests to Workforce.


Contract Labor Requests


  1. Submitted requests are displayed with a Pending status.


Submitted Requests in Pending Status


If you notice a mistake in a pending request, click Cancel to remove it. Requests can be cancelled with no reason up to 30 minutes after submission.

As noted above, contract labor requests are submitted from the Staffing Dashboard. To view the status of requests for a selected date, click the Workforce Request Status icon  on the dashboard home screen. 

Workforce Requests Status Screen


Alternatively, navigate to the Resource Assignments > Contract Labor screen, enter search criteria, and click Search.


Additional Information

Contract Labor Overview

Request Contract Labor Resources - Bulk

Manage Contract Labor Requests

Contract Labor Search Profiles


      Facility Scheduler