Cancel Assignment

Access: Users assigned the Assignment - Change 5 - After Posted permission. The following roles are assigned this permission by default: Charge, Scheduler, and higher. 

To cancel a shift (including sick calls):

  1. In the main navigation bar, click Daily Roster > Daily Roster Filter.
  2. Enter filter criteria to display the Daily Roster on which the shift occurs.
  3. Open the Daily Roster in either the Compressed or Expanded view
  4. Locate the employee's shift and click the shift code. 

    Browse Daily Roster Shift Code
  5. The View Assignment screen opens displaying the selected shift information.
  6. In the sub menu, click Cancel Assign.

    Daily Roster - Cancel Assignment Screen
  7. If the absence was unscheduled, select an option that best fits the cancellation. Otherwise, select N/A.
  8. Select a Cancel Reason.
  9. Enter an explanatory Comment (optional).
  10. Select a non-productive Shift code if necessary (optional).
  11. If PTO is selected as the shift code, the employee's PTO Balance grid* displays allowing you to confirm the employee has the required number of PTO hours to cover the shift.

    PTO Balance Grid
  12. Enter the shift Start Time (optional).
  13. Enter the Duration of the absence (optional).
  14. Click Save.
  15. The View Assignment screen is updated to reflect your selections.
  16. Click Return to Daily Roster.
  17. The cancelled assignment displays at the bottom of roster
  18. Hover over the cancelled shift code to view shift information and notes.


Daily Roster Displaying Cancelled Shifts



Examples: Cancellation Reasons

If the Facility cancels an assignment and an assigned employee volunteers to be cancelled, select Canceled by Facility-Voluntary.

If the Facility cancels an assignment and chooses an employee to be cancelled, select Canceled by Facility-Mandatory Required. Enter additional information in the Comments field.


Additional Information

Add an Assignment

Edit an Assignment

Cancel a Partial Assignment

Split an Assignment

Replace Assignment with a Non-Product Shift


      Facility Scheduler