Generating Open Needs

Access: Roles assigned the Needs Change permission (Scheduler role and higher).

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  1. Generate Open Needs by Summary Period
  2. Generate Open Needs by Shift Code Template


Open Needs can be added manually, generated by Summary Period staffing grids (default) or generated by Shift Code Templates. The latter is used for departments that schedule by shift codes, such as Emergency Departments.

The option to Generate Needs by Shift Code is set on the Department > General Info screen in the Needs section.


Generate Open Needs by Summary Period

Open Needs can be generated when a new schedule is posted or there are changes in the staffing grid depending on department settings. When needs are generated by schedule summary period, the selected schedule is compared to the forecast staffing grid for each summary period, and needs are created for unfilled positions. For example, if the Tuesday night shift in Department 3 East requires five RNs and there are only four scheduled, one open need for an RN will be created and posted.

To generate needs by summary period: 

  1. In the main navigation menu, click Open Needs > Edit Needs.
  2. If needed, click Change Filter to select a Date, Facility, Department, and/or Skill Levels to view.
  3. Click Save to apply filter criteria.
  4. The selected Edit Needs screen opens displaying currently posted open needs. Needs that display with an underline are needs that have been requested, but not yet approved.

  5. Click Generate Needs.
  6. Review the confirmation message and click Yes to confirm or No to cancel.
  7. Current staffing levels are compared to the patient forecast and summary period staffing grid.
  8. Open Needs are created for selected department shift codes (Department > Shifts).
  9. The Edit Needs screen refreshes with newly created needs and recalculated staffing levels.

  10. The newly created needs are posted on the Browse Needs screen and are available for staff to request.
  11. An email notification is sent to department staff alerting them of the newly posted needs.



Generate Open Needs by Shift Code Template

Departments that have selected the option to Generate Needs from Shift Code Template, such as Emergency Departments, can generate needs from either the shift Summary Period (staffing grid) or Shift Code Template. To generate needs by shift code, a department shift code template must be created and saved.

For more information, see Shift Code Template.

To generate needs by shift code template:

  1. In the main navigation menu, click Open Needs > Edit Needs.
  2. If needed, click Change Filter to select a Date, Facility, Department, and/or Skill Levels to view.
  3. Click Save to apply filter criteria.
  4. The selected Edit Needs screen opens displaying currently posted open needs. Needs that display with an underline are needs that have been requested, but not yet approved.

  5. Departments that have selected the option to Generate Needs from Shift Code Template can view open needs by Summary Period or Shift Codes by clicking the toggle.
  6. There are three options displayed in the Edit Needs header:
    1. Clear Needs - When selected, all unfilled needs will be deleted and removed from the Browse Needs screen.
    2. Generate by Summary - When selected, needs are generated for future shifts* based on the patient forecast, staffing grids, and currently scheduled shifts.
    3. Generate by Shift Code - When selected, needs are generated for future shifts* based on currently scheduled shifts and the Shift Code Template
    4. * Note: Department settings determine how far in advance employees must request an open need. For example, if employees must request a need 48 hours before the shift, needs will be generated for shift 48+ hours in the future.
  7. Click Generate by Shift Code.
  8. Review the confirmation message and click Yes to confirm or No to cancel.


Current staffing levels are compared to the department Shift Code Template.

Open Needs are created for selected department shift codes (Department > Shifts).

The Edit Needs screen refreshes with newly created needs and recalculated staffing levels

The newly created needs are posted on the Browse Needs screen and are available for staff to request.

An email notification is sent to department staff alerting them of the newly posted needs.


Additional Information

Open Needs Overview

Defining Shifts Used to Generate Open Needs

Manually Adding Open Needs

Shift Code Template



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