Shift Code Template

Access:  Users assigned the Department - Change permission. By default the following roles are assigned this permission: Director, Facility AdministratorFacility Coordinator and higher. 

The department setting Generate Needs from Shift Code Template allows departments that schedule by shift codes, like Emergency and Ancillary Departments, to manage staffing levels and generate open needs based on a Shift Code Template.

This template defines the target number of employees by skill and shift code required each day. These shift code targets, like summary period targets, are used in Facility Scheduler as follows:



All departments that have an approved ancillary grid type in the ISAS Staffing Grid application, will be automatically populated through the Staffing Grid (SG) interface. Templates will be created for 5 census levels (Low to High) for each day of the week. For departments not using the Staffing Grid see below.


When approved staffing grids are received from ISAS/SG, the department setting to Generate Open Needs from Shift Code Template is automatically activated and is no longer editable. Additionally, the Unit of Service Label field will be populated to display the Department Stat Description text received from ISAS/SG. This field is read-only once populated from ISAS/SG.

The Staffing Grid Interface is activated on the Department > General Information screen.  Changes to the department interface setting, department information, or department skills are passed to the ISAS Staffing Grid team in real time.  


Shift Code Template Screen Displaying Days of the Week, Work Volume Levels, and Staffing Needs by Shift


At this time, automated population of shift code templates is NOT available for nursing departments or departments utilizing Operating Room grids. For these departments, the shift code templates are editable and can be completed manually.

To create or edit a nursing department's shift code template:


  1. Go to Department > Shift Code Template.
  2. Enter filter criteria to view the Facility, Department, and Effective Date for the shift code template.


Shift Code Template Screen


  1. Click Apply Filters.
  2. The shift code template opens.
  3. From the Add Shift drop-down, select the shift codes you wish to use for scheduling and generating needs.


Shift Code Template Screen Displaying Staffing Matrix


  1. Click the tab for each day of the week.
  2. Review the staffing levels for the listed shift codes and edit as needed.
  3. To add a shift code, click Add Shift and select a shift from the drop-down list.
  4. To remove a shift code, click Delete and confirm the removal.
  5. Enter the number of positions required for each shift code for each day. 
  6. Click the Save icon in the Action column. 


Filters in the Staffing Matrix section allow you to view target staffing levels based on available census data for a selected week and skill. The default filter for the view is the first week in the scheduling period and All skills.


When departments utilizing the option to Generate Needs from Shift Code Template post a schedule, open needs will be generated based on the skills and shift codes entered in the Shift Code Template. Users can view staffing levels based on shift codes on the Department Schedule screen by selecting the Shift Codes option in the shift summary section.


Department Schedule Displaying the Staffing Summary by Shift Codes



Additional Information

Defining Shifts Used to Generate Open Needs

Generating Open Needs

Manually Adding a Need



      Facility Scheduler