Editing Department Forecast Census

Access: Users assigned the Department - Edit Forecast Census permission. But default, the following roles are assigned this permission: Director, Sr Leader, Facility Coordinator, and higher. 


Authorized users can update the forecast census in two ways:

A Forecast Census is entered for each Day/Date of the schedule and for each Summary Period.

There are two ways to edit the census:


Imported census targets display in bold font. Manually entered census targets display in regular font.

To edit Department Forecast Census Targets:

  1. Navigate to the Department by clicking Departments > Browse Departments.
  2. Click the department to be edited. 
  3. From the navigation sub menu, click Forecast Census.
    1. The Edit Department Forecast Census page, for the selected department, opens in View mode.
    2. To navigate to previous or future schedule periods, use the gold Previous/Next arrows in the table header.
  4. Click Edit.

Edit Department Forecast Census: View Mode

To manually enter Forecast Census:

  1. Enter the desired census target number in each cell.
  2. Click Save.


To use quick census entry:

  1. To apply the same census target to one or more days or dates, select the checkbox for each Day of Week or Date
  2. To apply the same census target to selected summary times, select the check box for each Summary Time in the column header.
  3. Enter a census target number in the Quick Census Entry box.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. The census number you applied now appears in all selected dates and summary times.
  6. Click Save.

Edit Department Census Screen Quick Census Entry Method



      Facility Scheduler