Covering Skills

The Covering Skills feature must be activated to use this functionality.

The covering skills functionality allows Department Administrators to group skills by designating some skills as qualified to “cover” for other skills. For example, in some departments Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) may cover Registered Nurse (RN) shifts. When this feature is activated, and LPNs are configured as covering skills for RNs, LPNs can self-schedule, request to fill open needs, and accept shift trades for RN assignments.


Department Skills List and Edit Skills Screen Showing Covering Skills


When a staff member with a covering skill is scheduled, they are listed in the department schedule and daily roster; however, their shift(s) count towards the covered skill’s staffing target. In our example, LPN displays on the daily roster, but counts toward the RN staffing level. An asterisk displays next to the number in the staffing level Difference column when a covering skill is included in the calculation.


Daily Roster Showing Skill and Covering Skill


Likewise, staffing reports will display an asterisk to indicate covering skills are included in staffing target calculations.




Covering Skills are managed from the Department > Skills screen. When configuring covering skills, keep the following in mind:

To configure Covering Skills:

  1. In the main navigation bar, click Department > Skills to view the skills list.
  2. Click the Edit button for the primary skill to which you wish to add covering skills. In our example, we will select Registered Nurse.


View Department Skills Screen


  1. The Edit Skill screen lists the skills associated with the department.
  2. Skills that have a utilization level of zero in the department skills matrix can be selected to cover for the primary skill - otherwise the skill is blocked and cannot be selected.
  3. Select skills that can cover for the selected skill.


Edit Skills Screen


  1. Click Save to save your selection.

Open Needs and Shift Trades

Staff with covering skills who wish to request an open shift or accept a shift trade will see needs and shifts for both their assigned skill and the skills for which they can cover. If covering skills are configured, the requester’s primary skill is displayed in the Open Needs and Shift Trade approval screens


Additional Information

Department Skills



      Facility Scheduler