Secondary Departments - Overview

This feature allows department administrators to create a secondary department association with qualified staff members in other departments. Employee’s with secondary associations can be viewed in the associated department’s schedules, daily roster, and staffing dashboard. Depending on department configuration, staff members with associations to secondary departments can also fulfill open needs, accept shift trades, and self-schedule in associated departments.

In this Topic HideIn this Topic Show
  1. Secondary Department Settings
  2. Create Secondary Associations
  3. Schedule: Secondary Staff Filter
  4. Daily Roster
  5. Staffing Dashboard
  6. Tiered Scheduling

Secondary Department Settings

The Centralized Facility Scheduler Administrator (CFSA) sets department configurations for home department and secondary staff on the Departments > General Info screen. These settings determine whether and when home department staff can be scheduled, fulfill open needs, and accept shift trades in secondary departments. The settings also control which actions staff members with secondary associations to your department can perform.


Home Department Staff Settings

These settings determine if and when your home department staff can self-schedule, fill open needs, and accept shift trades in their secondary departments.


Home Department Staff Settings


Staff Assignment to Secondary Departments

-  Yes, without restrictions (Default)
-  Yes, after home department’s schedule is posted
   Yes, after FTE obligations have been met

Staff May Self-Schedule in Secondary Departments

  Yes (Default) / No

Staff May Request Open Needs in Secondary Departments

-  No
-  Yes, without restrictions (Default)
-  Yes, after FTE obligations have been met

Staff May Receive Trade Assignments in Secondary Departments

  Yes (Default) / No


Secondary Staff Settings

These settings control the actions staff with secondary associations to your home department can perform. Secondary staff must first comply with their home department restrictions before they can self-schedule, fill open needs, and/or accept trade assignments in this department.


Secondary Staff Settings


Secondary Staff Assignment to this Department

-  Yes without restrictions (Default)
-  Yes, after this department's schedule is posted

Secondary Staff May Self-Schedule in this Department

 Yes (Default) / No

Secondary Staff May Request Open Needs in this Department

 Yes (Default) / No

Secondary Staff May Receive Trade Assignments in this Department

  Yes (Default) / No


Create Secondary Associations

When a staff member is associated with a secondary department, they can self-schedule, fulfill open needs and trade shifts according to their home and secondary department configuration settings.

When Secondary Departments is released, secondary associations will be automatically created for staff whose default schedule includes non-home departments as well as staff who have been scheduled in non-home departments in any of the last 12 schedule periods.

Following the initial release, department managers can manually add secondary department associations from the employee’s General Info tab; however, managers can only create associations to departments over which they have responsibility.


Employee General Information Screen Displaying Secondary Associations Departments


Staff associations can also be managed from the department’s Employees > Browse Employees screen, where managers can add employees, associate them with the department, and remove associations.

Schedule: Secondary Staff Filter

Department Schedule

When activated, a Secondary Staff filter displays on department schedule screens. This filter displays only staff members who are currently scheduled (default) or both scheduled and unscheduled staff, including staff with secondary associations to the department. With this filter, schedulers and staffers can more easily identify qualified staff when balancing schedules and filling staffing gaps.


Department Schedule with Secondary Staff Filter Set to Include Unscheduled


Staff with a secondary association are designated in the schedule by the [S] icon. Unassociated staff are identified by the [U] icon. Unassociated staff are employees scheduled to work, who have not been officially associated with the department such as nurses who are floated from one department to another to fill a temporary need.

Staff Schedule

The Staff Schedule screen includes a new filter to display only departments in which the staff member is scheduled or display all departments to which the employee has an association.

Daily Roster

Scheduled secondary staff are designated by the [S] icon in the Daily Roster view. When adding assignments from the daily roster, both primary and secondary employees are listed in the employee drop-down list. Primary department employees are listed first, followed by secondary department employee who are designated by a [S] following their skill code.

Staffing Dashboard

As in the Daily Roster described above, staff with a secondary association to the department are designated by the [S] icon on all Resource Assignments screens in the Staffing Dashboard. All other functionality is unchanged.

Tiered Scheduling

For facilities utilizing tiered scheduling groups, a new group attribute entitled Department Relationship allows you to select primary and/or secondary staff to include in self-scheduling tiers.


Tiered Scheduling, Add Group Attribute Selection



Additional Information

Departments: General Info

Browse Employees

Viewing the Schedule

Daily Roster: Add Assignment




      Facility Scheduler