Searching for an Employee


In Facility Scheduler you can search for any employee who has a profile in the system. Search results may be in text or link format. If you manage an employee, their name will appear as a link. Click the link to view the employee's profile. Access to profile information is determined by your role and supervisory relationship with the employee.

Role or Responsibility General Information Human Resources Secondary Associations





Primary Manager




Secondary Manager

Read-only (contact info)

No Access



To search for an Employee:

  1. The Employee Search field is located in the top right hand corner of all screens in Facility Scheduler.
  2. Type the Name, Login or EIN (Employee Identification Number) in the search box.


Location of Employee Search Field


  1. Search by first name or last name.
  2. If searching by full name enter the name in this format - Last Name, First Name.
  3. When searching for compound names like Mary Ann, use an underscore between the names (Mary_Ann). This will return only the Mary Anns, instead of all the Marys and all the Anns.
  4. Search by employee Login by entering their Active Directory ID (also known as the 3 / 4 ID).
  5. Search by EIN by entering the Employee Identification Number.
  6. Click Search or press ENTER to view search results.
  7. Search results include all matches from all facilities within the division.
  8. Staff (i.e. .basic access) are displayed in the top table. Users with assigned roles and permissions are displayed in the second table. An employee may appear in both tables.
  9. Employees you manage or have a supervisory relationship with are displayed in the table as links. Click the link to view their General Info profile.


Employee Search:  Staff Table


Employee Search: User Table


If the number of employees in the list is greater than 100, the first 100 employee names appear and an error message appears and asks you to refine your search.


Additional Information

Add Employee

Browse Employees

Viewing the Employee General Info Page

Editing Employee Information



      Facility Scheduler