Schedule Quality Scorecard

Access: Users assigned the Reports - View permission. By default, the following roles are assigned this permission: Charge and higher. 

The Schedule Quality Scorecard displays Schedule Quality Metrics for multiple departments in one report. You can select Departments from only one Facility due to variable schedule Start Dates among facilities.

To run the Schedule Quality Score Card report:

  1. In the main navigation bar, click Reports > Browse Reports.
  2. Select Schedule Quality Scorecard from the list of reports.
  3. Enter report filter criteria:
    1. Select a Schedule Period.
    2. Sort allows you to view the departments in the order you wish. Enter 1 for the first department to be displayed, 2 for the second and so on.
    3. Select a Facility.
    4. Select a Group.
    5. Click  +  to Add a Group. See procedures below on how to create a group..
  4. Click Add to add a Department
  5. Click Remove to remove a Department.
  6. Click Save to generate the report.


Schedule Quality Scorecard Report Filter


To create a group:

  1. Click the + icon to create a new group.
  2. Enter your group name in the field.
  3. Click OK.
  4. The Group you create will appear as an option in the Group drop-down.


  1. Click   to save a Group.
  2. Click   to remove a Group.



The report displays all metric scores for the selected Departments and Schedule Period.

For each metric, both At Posting and Prior to Schedule Start scores appear, and Improved/Declined status and Post Status (1st App Yes/No and Posted Yes/No).


Example Schedule Quality Scorecard

Each Department has a Notes column (far right) for individuals to document department-specific information.

Use the tools in the screen header to save or print the report.




To print the report: 

Printer Ribbon

From the Printer Ribbon you can do the following:

  1. Ability to print the entire document.
  2. Ability to print a single page.
  3. Ability to go all the way back to the beginning.
  4. Ability to go back one page.
  5. Ability to choose from the drop down which page you would like to view.
  6. Ability to go forward one page.
  7. Ability to go to the end of the report.


      Facility Scheduler