Staffing Dashboard - View PLUS Metrics


Department leadership often refers to the Productive Labor Utilization System (PLUS) within ISAS when making daily staffing decisions. Reports from this system provide pay-period to date (PPD) and month-to-date (MTD) totals for productive labor usage by department such as how many hours you should use (target) and how many you are using (actual). Ideally, the difference between these values should be minimal.

Access: Users assigned the Staffing Dashboard - Action Capable role.

To view PLUS Metrics:

  1. Click Dashboard > Staffing Dashboard with 7-Day View.
  2. Click Filter.
  3. Enter filter criteria to view a specific facility, department, and/or shift summary period and click Apply Filters.
  4. Click the desired Shift Summary Period.
  5. A summary of the pay period-to-date displays in the Resource Assignments screen header
  6. Click View More.
  7. A pop-up window opens displaying daily target, actual, and difference for productive hours as well as the pay period-to-date totals.
  8. Negative difference totals are designated by parentheses and red font.


PLUS Metrics by Pay Period


  1. Click Entire Month to view month-to-date data.
  2. Daily target, actual, and the difference for productive hours display as well as the month-to-date totals.
  3. Negative difference totals are designated by parentheses and red font.


Staffing Dashboard Displaying Totals for Month-to-Date Productive Hours


Additional Information

Staffing Dashboard - Manage Census

Staffing Dashboard - Edit PCS Census Data

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