Add User

Access: Users assigned the User-Change General Info, User - Change Facility, and User - Change Role permissions.

Roles: By default, the following roles are assigned these permissions: Facility Administrator and higher.


There are two types of accounts within Facility Scheduler:

  1. Staff, or hospital staff members, have no assigned permissions. They can be scheduled into shifts and their accounts are used to perform functions such as review their schedules, volunteer for shifts, and request time off. Typically, staff members are assigned to a single department.

To add a user account:

  1. In the main navigation bar, click Admin > Add User

Add User Screen


  1. Complete the form by entering user information.
  2. Required fields are labeled. See field definitions below.


   Add User Field Definitions  

First Name:

A personal name given to someone at birth used before the family name/surname.

Last Name:

Family name or surname.

Windows Login:

Select to allow the user to access Facility Scheduler with either their Windows login or an application login name.  If this box is deselected, a password field appears.

Login Name:

The unique ID or username, required for everyone except Contract Labor

Login Domain:

Optional and only needed for Active Directory accounts

Disable Login:

Disable the employee’s login.


Enter one or more email addresses. when adding multiple email addresses, separate each address with a comma.


Facility the employee was hired by.


Select the lowest level role needed for the user to have the needed access to the system.


  1. Click Save.


Additional user settings are accessed from the navigation sub-menu.


Additional information

Browse Users

User General Info

User Departments

User Default Department

User Permissions


      Facility Scheduler